Friday, March 21, 2008

Easter has begun

Steve and Karen came over to watch LOST last night (frustrating episode for me-how many questions can my brain hold before it explodes?) and I was rushing around getting the last of my Easter decorations in place-3 days before Easter! The leap year and moon have made this a VERY early Easter and it won't happen again for 152 years! It definitely feels weird and rushed for a girl who loves holidays, homeschools and is married to a arts pastor. But, here we are!

Aggie had her Easter parade at preschool and we spent the whole morning doing room mom stuff at the school. She is so cute-her costume has "an egg on the front so it can hatch and a chick on the back that came out of the egg" I was informed. I love her mind.
Gwyn in teething or sick-I can't figure-but, she has had a fever for 3 days and this was her take on all the festivities.

We went to Eggstravaganza at the library with a homeschooling buddy. Aggie is so charismatic that all the librarians know her by name now! They did crafts, dyed eggs and ate cupcakes. Then Aggie read THREE readers with me while Gwyn played...and earned a reading certificate from the librarians. She was so proud and so am I-she is on the cusp of real, independent reading and we both feel the excitement!

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