Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Stinks to be second born

Gwyn loves the bath nowadays. She plays this game where she splashes with all arms and legs in hopes that she will get her bather wet. When she does she squeals with delight. But, I have to admit that we don't bathe her everyday...or even every other. Her big sister had horrible diaper rash if we didn't bathe everyday, but she was also our only charge. We try to give Gwyn the same treatment as sister had in so many respects, but on this one we fail miserably. Poor Gwyn, other than having a funny older sister to idolize and entertain her, it stinks to be second born.

1 comment:

Jeff and Yvonne Weinstein said...

I think it depends on just how many kids there are in total whether it matters..... just 2 - not a big deal.... she'll always be able to play the "adorable little sister" card.
(actually, with a great mom like you, it won't matter at all :) )