Saturday, October 6, 2007

We Want The Funk

Have you seen this commercial yet? I cry with laughter everytime I see it. I make my husband rewind the Tivo and watch it over and over.


Melissa said...

My kids freeze instantly and then I get the "I wanna watch it again" about 4 times. Love it!

lauren anderson said...

I miss being with people who understand me, already! (I DO love my friends here) but I miss my friends and the culture of Riverside too...especially you guys. I wish I got to be your neighbor next door...maybe someday. (I'll steal the big cheesecake factory plates and you make heaps of food and we'll party.)

TheEpicBeat said... then come back.

Penny Lane said...

That's hilarious! Thanks for sharing, I hadn't seen it yet.

k said...

i hadn't seen that before! love it!