Sunday, September 9, 2007

Both sides of the 4 year old coin

She is so wonderful...and challenging. We have taught her to be srong minded, to voice her opinion, to be creative, to explore and be free, to be active, to live her emotions--and on the other side of the coin we can end up with a stubborn, sassy, whiny, unfocused, figity, dramatic 4 year old. Not all the time, but the last few days I feel like it is alot of the time. I've always got a consequence ready to go, I'm always having to be on my toes with creative discipline measures, and I'm tired! She is work. She is worth it, but she is work.


Elissa said...

The good news is that, at least in my experience, after they work you this get a bit of a break in the action. It's like kids test the waters for a week straight every so often to see if they can't wear you down. When they realize they still can't, they go back to the angels we know they really are!!!

k said...

at least 4 is easier than 3 for us, but man- sometimes it's just so darn tiring! thank goodness they're cute!