Tuesday, September 18, 2007

My kitchen smells like butt

My husband has a bad habit of letting potatoes go bad in our pantry to the point of leaking liquid and stinking to high heaven. Nasty. It makes the whole house smell like butt. At least this time I figured it out before the maggots came! Seriously-there were maggots last time. I think I threw up a little bit in my mouth.


Elissa said...

This happened to me two weeks ago... just reading about it made me throw up in my mouth a little bit too!!! ha, ha!

TheEpicBeat said...

It's what I do.

lauren anderson said...

Ummm....you are pretty much the freaking coolest mom with a blog ever on the face of the earth and in the land of california or ANYWHERE!

H00KisBack said...

ha, the joys of having only 4 senses!

my blog: blog.risingerphotography.com