Monday, September 10, 2007

Ode to MobyWrap

I wear this wrap everyday, but today I wore my 15 lb. 3 month old for 7 hours in my MobyWrap around Disneyland...and it is awesome. Very Shiny (as they say in Firefly). My back does not hurt, and she had a great time. I am a seasoned baby wearer and have used Over the Shoulder baby holder slings, maya wrap slings, new native pouches, baby bjorn front packs...and this takes the prize (though I still have and use the others on occasion). I don't leave home without this one-and the best part is that Adam wears it too!

1 comment:

TheEpicBeat said...

Yes, I wear it, but I make it look much manlier than Jess does...really.