Friday, September 7, 2007

spreading the gospel of gdiapers

I am officially a gdiapers fanatic! I had my husband-who loves graphic layouts-make me this great little flyer to carry in my diaper bag so I could hand out info to people with babies or pregnant moms (gotta be careful with this one-don't want to offer it to a woman who isn't pregnant but looks the part...woops!). I hope I don't scare them with my approach-and I always start off with "I am not selling these, I just believe in them..."-but it has been a great conversation starter for me as an introvert who tries not to be. I figure if I can get just a few people using them at least that's a little bit of landfill that won't be filled with rotting poop and plastic for the next 500 years. I handed out 10 at least at my daughter's preschool today! I found them online a while ago, but didn't order them until I saw them on Sofia Lance. Word of mouth is always my word from my mouth is they are great and if you are having a baby check it out.


k said...

so cool! sent the link to all my preg & new mommy friends. thanks!

Jessica (Probst) Eveland said...

I just ordered my starter pack of gdiapers. We're going to try them out.