Monday, September 10, 2007

Waves, Giggles and an Uke

My husband always has music-he pounds out rhythms with his fingers, is always humming, knows every song on the radio from every era, and can play a whole slew of instruments. I am so jealous. (If only I had stayed with my piano lessons.) Once he said that he hated to vacation without a guitar because it was so relaxing to play. He hated being away from it for a week. Now he has a ukelele that he brings on every vacation. He just sits and music comes out. I love that about him. The sound of the waves, my daughter's imaginative stories and giggles of glee and Adam's uke are bliss to my ears. We took 4 beach vacations this summer, it is our favorite get away. We want to retire on a beach somewhere. I should have recorded a couple hours of this scence so I could play it while I am bustling through my day of activity and work this fall...ahhh if life could only be the lazy days of summer. I miss it already.

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