Thursday, September 13, 2007

Where are the Undies?

I dressed my Preschooler in a rush today to get her out the door (we spent our morning watching a huge tree get cut down across the street). After she left with Dad I was cleaning up and putting her dirty clothes in the laundry...I found everything but the undies. Now we have friends coming over tonight so I really wanted to find the undies so they didn't sit on the couch and find dirty undies stuffed in the cushions or something. I looked everywhere-no undies. I picked her up from school and she came home, went to the bathroom and called to me--"Look mom, two undies!!!" She wore clean undies over day old dirty undies all day at school-NICE! Good job mom!

1 comment:

Mamadebrick said...

Oh my goodness, this one made me smile really big. Must mean that I can totally identify with it. Seems that I was always worried that I forgotton get the underwear on one of the kids, then would fret that someone more sane than I realized my laspe.