She really is. Agatha is so gifted. She moves through music with singing, violin and piano in ways I only dream of. She is active with dance and movement beyond words. She is so smart that I am positive she will surpass me before I am done homeschooling her. She already reads some, writes some and understands abstract concepts my kinders didn't. She is so empathetic to friends that she is always involving the new kid. She is fun and her giggle is infectious. She tells amazing stories and she can talk with an adult longer and more sincerely than I ever could. People love her and I do too. Go check out her new blog that she has started as a part of our homeschool activities.
PS. Don't get me above seemingly perfect child has opposites to all those amazing qualities including the annoying need to be the center of attention all the time, a overly loud voice that is constantly going, and a dramatic/emotional side that brings on big tears at playdates (which she inherited from me!). But, in our house we celebrate both sides of personality traits because without the bad, you wouldn't have the good.
Once again, you inspired me! Now my grandson Robbie has his own blog. Thanks for the great idea. Do you allow anyone to comment on Aggie's blog?
(btw, it's not Robbie; it's me, Sue! I don't know how to get from his blog back to mine...can Aggie help me?)
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