Thursday, September 13, 2007

Infancy Flaky Friend

I am reviewing my day and realized I flaked on this friend for the second time because of my infancy confinement stage of life. Motherhood makes us so forgetful and our days have to flex so much!!! Holly is one of my favorite girls and I crave our times together. She lived in our home for a while, she married one of our best friends, Rodrigo and has become one of my best friends...I was in her wedding dangit and now I stood her up for lunch a month ago and coffee today! Holly, I am a big doof-I had a teething baby and I stayed home in my PJs with stinky pits until I absolutely had to go out to pick up Agatha from Preschool. Please forgive me. Why is it that we as women when we get busy we seem to sacrifice the thing we need most in our feminity-our connection with other women?

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