Saturday, September 22, 2007

Broken needle Heartburn

I have recently taken up sewing again. I learned under the tutelage of my mother and Girl Scouts, but rebelled for a while. Now, I am embracing the organic mother that I am-so in comes sewing again. Anyway I was sewing a burp cloth out of some cool pink tattoo looking flannel and BAM-a broken needle. It's like a metaphor for this whole GERD madness of ours. Everything seems to be going along fine and then BAM heartburn, spitup and screaming. You really have to be paying attention, always maintaining, always watching to keep it from breaking-or GERDing! I feel like I am always on my toes. Don't bounce, sway. Don't recline, keep her upright. Don't hold across the abdomen while on my hip-across the chest. On and on. I can't wait until we grow out of it. Thanks to Dr. Sears for all the calming advice and information. I love that guy. Too bad he didn't write my sewing machine manual. I hate that thing. Where's Adam to figure out how to change the needle?

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