Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Mamma Fuzzy Drivers

I am little mamma fuzzy today...the world seems fuzzy due to my sleep deprevation. Adam and I lucked out this time around and got a GERD baby. Not only does this child use all different baby gear because she has to be upright all the time (no bouncers, baby carseats, co-sleepers, cradle hold slings...only upright in swings, excersaucers, johnny jumpers and moby wrap or bjorn carriers!), but she disrupts my sleep ALOT. She sleeps fine, but I am up...she sleeps her first sleep in a travel swing for four-ish hours-but enevitably I am folding laundry, on the computer, picking up, showering, watching CLAD college course DVDs (I'm taking 12 units on top of a part time job and full time mommy!), or the many other things I need to do without baby. Then I get to bed and she inevitably calls to nurse, so I bring her to bed. Now my first child would lay on her side and tummy to tummy nurse off and on while we both snoozed peacefully through the night. But, Gwynie can't or she urps in her sleep and chokes. She has to sleep upright on my chest, so I can't fall asleep until she is done nursing. Then I sleep sitting up on a boyfriend pillow with her on my chest-until she urps, chokes and sometimes pauses in her breathing. She's getting bigger, but it still scares me, so I sit bolt upright and rouse her breathing...over and over again, all night. Then about 4 or 5 she gets figety in her sleep because of her acid reflux or poop that won't come or gas or something. She sleeps till 7 ish, but once again, I don't. I should have gone to the gym this morning, but I tried to sleep while my husband had the girls. No luck really. I should have worked out-at least then I would be thin and tired, instead of chubby and tired...but, then maybe I would have fallen asleep on an elliptical machine again-I did that a couple weeks ago-really. Maybe I shouldn't be driving to dance and church later today. Be careful out there-there are mamma fuzzy drivers on the road.


Elissa said...

Well, if it's any consolation...and it's probably not...I never came out of that fuzzy driving phase! I can't tell you how many times I have arrived at a destination only to realize I have absolutely no memory of traveling there. There should be a lot of very nervous drivers on the road in Riverside this afternoon, cuz I'll be driving there too!

Alyssa said...

sorry you are fuzzy today, I hope tomorrow is better!